Drawings (works on paper)

Moessel work habits were meticulous – as illustrated in His architectural work and paint studies.

© Copywrite 2006 Julius Moessel German/USA Painter 1871-1957 https://juliusmoessel.com


These writers/researchers play a critical role to understanding the historical context to Moessel’s art, his thinking, historical timeline, and influencers of the time.

Judith Breuer
Julius Mössel — Dekorations- und Kunstmaler, 1871–1957
© Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 1995

Jill Leslie McKeever-Furst
Moessel in America:1926–1957
(English section in J. Breuer book, pgs. 130-137)

Rediscovering Julius Moessel
Chicago and The Field Museum’s Master Muralist
In The Field Magazine, May/June 1999

Mark Alvey
From Peer to Obscurity: Julius Moessel and the Fall of an Artistic Reputation
Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society
Vol. 109, No. 4, Winter 2016

Julius Mössel
Wikipedia — Die freie Enzyklopadie (German)